Ok so last night around 10pm or maybe a little after an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico named Deep Horizon suffers a massive explosion. The media is reporting that 11 or so workers are missing, and the rest are either ashore or on their way aboard a boat.
Now I can remember a few years ago when everyone was up in arms about letting the U.S. drill in the gulf for oil. The big argument was, China can drill there, in fact anyone can drill there except the U.S. People like myself were thinking, "what the hell is up with that." One thing was for sure as far as I was concerned. Everyone was concerned about the environment, including myself. But in all honesty, if your concerned about the environment who would you rather have drilling in the gulf. The U.S. or the chinese that don't give a damn about the environment. There are all kinds of pollution standards that have been put in place that levy all kinds of fines if they aren't adhered to. And guess who keeps thumbing there nose at them? Yep, the Chinese. The only ones that are held to any kind of standard is the U.S. Let it be China, or Russia and everyone just looks the other way. Venezuela is another good one.
So now we have this oil platform that exploded and caught fire last night. As we speak it is still burning, it's leaning 70 degrees, and it's gonna go in the ocean. This thing is an environmental nightmare. So lets see who we can thank for this mess.
The rig is owned by Transocean Ltd. out of Houston, they are a Swiss owned company. Now they are contracting the rig out to British Petroleum. The rig was built by Hyundai Heavy Industries. They are one of the largest ship builders in the world operating out of South Korea.
Now I don't have a problem with any of these countries, they are all friends of ours. The Swiss, the Brits, even the S. Koreans. But what I do have a problem with is that know where in the list of people or companies involved is there one American company or interest. I can't help but think that if an oil rig is operating off of our shores. We should somehow be involved, because now that there is a mess out there 50 miles off our shore. I can damn sure tell ya who's going to end up cleaning it up.
About Joe

- Joe Taa
- An average everyday American that has decided to share some thoughts with whoever wants to listen.
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