About Joe

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An average everyday American that has decided to share some thoughts with whoever wants to listen.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The first post.

Please allow me to introduce myself sort of. For the purposes of this blog you all will know me as Joe. And who is Joe you ask. Well to make it short Joe is an average guy that is currently out of work, and going back to school. Someone that feels there aren't enough people out there in my position just speaking their minds and letting the world know how the average American might think. I feel that guys like me don't speak up often enough about the things that should concern us most. What things might they be? That's easy, anything that is going to effect our happiness, our liberty, and our freedom, and that of our children for years to come.

Some of the things I say on here may not sit well with some and that's o.k. If you disagree and want to say so, good feel free. But by all means do it civilly, my family or kids may be reading. And I would like the behavior they witness to be a positive lesson. If anyone here wants to make it a negative lesson well that's fine with me. Just don't get upset when your used as an example of how to act like an asshole.

I will let you all know now that I am a Conservative. Not a Republican, nor a Dem. A CONSERVATIVE, so let it be known now. My thoughts and feelings WILL reflect this, if some of you reading don't agree or have a problem feel free to say so. I just ask that you do it civilly. I think we all can see a pattern forming here, and can get the gist of where I'm coming from here.

My blog is about me, and what I think is important. It is about my thoughts on the events of the day either in the news or in my life in general. There will be more to come on the topic of the blog in general as I think things over, but for now I have to get the kids dinner as the wife is currently at work. Then it's Jr.'s baseball game.

Thats pretty much it.

Hope anyone reading enjoys.

Joe T

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