About Joe

- Joe Taa
- An average everyday American that has decided to share some thoughts with whoever wants to listen.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Bigger than they thought...
Why doesn't it surprise me that the gulf oil fiasco is pumping out 5 times more oil than expected. Now BP would would welcome the military's involvement in the matter to help clean things up. I would like to see the bill for all of this in BP's hands when this is all over.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hats off to Arizona's Governor and legislator!
It's about time someone took the lead on this issue. Arizona has a major problem down there and our federal government is putting its head in the sand. The Governor commented yesterday that they get no response to correspondence written to the white house so they must take matters in their own hands.
Frankly I think this is the way this country should work. If the federal government doesn't want to do anything for a state that has the 2nd highest kidnapping rate in the WORLD! 2nd only to Mexico city, then don't bitch when the state takes matters into their own hands to get the problem fixed.
In fact I have a suggestion for the feds. Take a lesson from your own actions on this issue. And just stay the hell out of all of the state business. Stick to defending the homeland, and the citizenry from invasion like your supposed to. And when it comes to the business of the states, and the citizens shut up and butt out.
Things just might get done.
Frankly I think this is the way this country should work. If the federal government doesn't want to do anything for a state that has the 2nd highest kidnapping rate in the WORLD! 2nd only to Mexico city, then don't bitch when the state takes matters into their own hands to get the problem fixed.
In fact I have a suggestion for the feds. Take a lesson from your own actions on this issue. And just stay the hell out of all of the state business. Stick to defending the homeland, and the citizenry from invasion like your supposed to. And when it comes to the business of the states, and the citizens shut up and butt out.
Things just might get done.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Gulf oil rig site now spewing oil...
Well I hate to tell ya I told so, but it's now spewing oil at the rate of 1,000 barrels a day into the Gulf. I really would like to know where the money is coming from to pay for the cleanup. The companies involved should be footing the bill, and I'd like to think they are. However in this day and age of sloughing off responsibility, and government robbing the taxpayer I would just like to see some cold hard documentation.
Why Ed?
Is it me or is Ed Rendell the most seen gubernatorial face on the news. It just seams like this guy can't get on TV enough. Today he is spewing his thoughts on the Teaparty, and the fact that their movement lacks impact on the political seen. He is one in denial, and two playing games with semantics in his statement. Ed if you worried less about screen time for your upcoming presidential run (could be in 2012 if O's numbers are really bad, if not 2016). Less about analyzing Eagles football every Sunday, and more about running my great state of PA, maybe just maybe you would have gotten a budget done on time in your 8 years as governor.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Major tractor trailer accident in Harrisburg, PA
On a local note, a friend of mines mother was killed in the above accident Friday night. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them in this time of need. May she rest in a better place with the Lord our God, Amen.
Friday, April 23, 2010
So the gulf oil rig Deep Horizon is down, now what?
As predicted here the Deep Horizon is now under water and crews and authorities are now looking at a huge mess to clean up. To BP's credit they have taken responsibility and are heading the cleanup effort. For now it doesn't look like any more oil is spilling out of the well, or the platform. But the 1x5 mile slick that is currently present is a big enough mess to deal with at the moment. Hopefully the rig or the well itself will not add to it.
The families of the 11 still missing are I'm sure still holding out hope for their loved ones but at this time it looks like they may not be found. They may have perished on board and went down with the rig. It amazes me that when this thing was still burning when 2 law suites were already filed claiming negligence against BP. As if that couldn't wait a few days until their loved ones were possibly found, or we knew more about the accident.
Then we have Abe Powell, the head of an environmental group called Get Oil Out. They have been around ever since a 1969 platform accident off the California coast. This particular accident was pretty bad and spoiled miles of coastline. It was really the event that brought the environmental movement to the forefront.
Now Abe is quoted as saying, "When oil companies say drilling is safe now and we won't allow any accidents ... we know that's not true."
Yea Abe your right, they allowed this to happen. They sat in their board room and said, "hey the Deep Horizon is going to blow up soon, that well is worth billions maybe we should fix it. Nah, it'll be a pretty fire, instead of making billions off the well, lets spend billions cleaning up the mess from the explosion. At least the pretty sight of the fire on the ocean will be worth it."
I mean how insane is that comment, do you really think they "allowed" this to happen. As far as being safe, I'm sure it's a hell of a lot safer than it was 41 years ago. But lets be honest, nothing is full proof. Hey Abe, elevators are safe, and so are stairs, but you know what? People still fall down stairs and break their necks. I wonder if there is anyone we can file suite against that is allowing that to happen.
The families of the 11 still missing are I'm sure still holding out hope for their loved ones but at this time it looks like they may not be found. They may have perished on board and went down with the rig. It amazes me that when this thing was still burning when 2 law suites were already filed claiming negligence against BP. As if that couldn't wait a few days until their loved ones were possibly found, or we knew more about the accident.
Then we have Abe Powell, the head of an environmental group called Get Oil Out. They have been around ever since a 1969 platform accident off the California coast. This particular accident was pretty bad and spoiled miles of coastline. It was really the event that brought the environmental movement to the forefront.
Now Abe is quoted as saying, "When oil companies say drilling is safe now and we won't allow any accidents ... we know that's not true."
Yea Abe your right, they allowed this to happen. They sat in their board room and said, "hey the Deep Horizon is going to blow up soon, that well is worth billions maybe we should fix it. Nah, it'll be a pretty fire, instead of making billions off the well, lets spend billions cleaning up the mess from the explosion. At least the pretty sight of the fire on the ocean will be worth it."
I mean how insane is that comment, do you really think they "allowed" this to happen. As far as being safe, I'm sure it's a hell of a lot safer than it was 41 years ago. But lets be honest, nothing is full proof. Hey Abe, elevators are safe, and so are stairs, but you know what? People still fall down stairs and break their necks. I wonder if there is anyone we can file suite against that is allowing that to happen.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Really who cares?
Today I heard a sound bite on one of the conservative talk shows. The clip was of someone speaking on the subject of amnesty for illegals. The speaker was against the policy and was questioning why Senator Lindsy Graham is for it and selling out his countrymen. He then goes on in the soundbite to suggest that Senator Graham has a longtime secret that everyone in Washington has known about for years. Yet us little peons and the rest of the world are in the dark. He then goes on to suggest that political enemies in Washington are holding this deep, dark, secret over his head to sway him to support amnesty, I believe in any other part of the world this is called blackmail. Anyway in the clip he say's he is going to make it easy for Senator Graham to do the right thing by letting the world know about this secret, and he then announces to the world that Senator Graham is secretly Gay.
Now I don't know if there is any validity to this accusation or not. But here is what I do know. Senator's and all politicians need to get one thing straight. The far fringes of either political party may care about sexual orientation. But the average everyday voter like myself, could really give a shit.
Here's what we care about. Do your freaking job! You know the one you were elected for. And I don't mean write laws and pass them. I mean represent us, when you write your laws and pass them. In the end that's what you were elected to do. Represent us, not spend your time delving into the deep dark past of your colleague. Not spending your time trying to figure out how your going to keep your darkest secret a secret. Just get on with the business of the people.
Now I have a few words for Senator Graham, and the rest of his ilk. Let this be a lesson to you, if you want to run for public office, there is no place for secrets, and deception. This is the exact reason why. If you have any kind of skeleton in the closet that can keep you from representing the people in the way that you should, then you need to make the decision that you should not be in office. People will find out about your secret, and trust me they will, and they will use it to keep you from performing your elected duty in the manner that you see fit. So if you want to run, and are afraid of your past you need to do one of two things. Either don't run, because there is someone that can do the job better. Or come clean and let the chips fall where they may. If you don't get elected then you weren't supposed to be there in the first place.
And now for the people that would perform such blackmail. Again I say the average voter doesn't care. Whoever takes part in this low handed act, should at least be run out of office. We want honest, upstanding politicians on both sides of the isle. At the worst you should be taken out behind the woodshed and beaten. I'll take something in between like criminal charges of blackmail, or bribing a politician. I'm sure some crime has been committed here.
Then once this is all cleared up and out in the open Senator Graham; you can back to your job performing it as you see fit. And the rest of Washington will get the message that the voters don't care and we just want you to do your job representing us.
Now I don't know if there is any validity to this accusation or not. But here is what I do know. Senator's and all politicians need to get one thing straight. The far fringes of either political party may care about sexual orientation. But the average everyday voter like myself, could really give a shit.
Here's what we care about. Do your freaking job! You know the one you were elected for. And I don't mean write laws and pass them. I mean represent us, when you write your laws and pass them. In the end that's what you were elected to do. Represent us, not spend your time delving into the deep dark past of your colleague. Not spending your time trying to figure out how your going to keep your darkest secret a secret. Just get on with the business of the people.
Now I have a few words for Senator Graham, and the rest of his ilk. Let this be a lesson to you, if you want to run for public office, there is no place for secrets, and deception. This is the exact reason why. If you have any kind of skeleton in the closet that can keep you from representing the people in the way that you should, then you need to make the decision that you should not be in office. People will find out about your secret, and trust me they will, and they will use it to keep you from performing your elected duty in the manner that you see fit. So if you want to run, and are afraid of your past you need to do one of two things. Either don't run, because there is someone that can do the job better. Or come clean and let the chips fall where they may. If you don't get elected then you weren't supposed to be there in the first place.
And now for the people that would perform such blackmail. Again I say the average voter doesn't care. Whoever takes part in this low handed act, should at least be run out of office. We want honest, upstanding politicians on both sides of the isle. At the worst you should be taken out behind the woodshed and beaten. I'll take something in between like criminal charges of blackmail, or bribing a politician. I'm sure some crime has been committed here.
Then once this is all cleared up and out in the open Senator Graham; you can back to your job performing it as you see fit. And the rest of Washington will get the message that the voters don't care and we just want you to do your job representing us.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Where have we gone?
Ok so last night around 10pm or maybe a little after an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico named Deep Horizon suffers a massive explosion. The media is reporting that 11 or so workers are missing, and the rest are either ashore or on their way aboard a boat.
Now I can remember a few years ago when everyone was up in arms about letting the U.S. drill in the gulf for oil. The big argument was, China can drill there, in fact anyone can drill there except the U.S. People like myself were thinking, "what the hell is up with that." One thing was for sure as far as I was concerned. Everyone was concerned about the environment, including myself. But in all honesty, if your concerned about the environment who would you rather have drilling in the gulf. The U.S. or the chinese that don't give a damn about the environment. There are all kinds of pollution standards that have been put in place that levy all kinds of fines if they aren't adhered to. And guess who keeps thumbing there nose at them? Yep, the Chinese. The only ones that are held to any kind of standard is the U.S. Let it be China, or Russia and everyone just looks the other way. Venezuela is another good one.
So now we have this oil platform that exploded and caught fire last night. As we speak it is still burning, it's leaning 70 degrees, and it's gonna go in the ocean. This thing is an environmental nightmare. So lets see who we can thank for this mess.
The rig is owned by Transocean Ltd. out of Houston, they are a Swiss owned company. Now they are contracting the rig out to British Petroleum. The rig was built by Hyundai Heavy Industries. They are one of the largest ship builders in the world operating out of South Korea.
Now I don't have a problem with any of these countries, they are all friends of ours. The Swiss, the Brits, even the S. Koreans. But what I do have a problem with is that know where in the list of people or companies involved is there one American company or interest. I can't help but think that if an oil rig is operating off of our shores. We should somehow be involved, because now that there is a mess out there 50 miles off our shore. I can damn sure tell ya who's going to end up cleaning it up.
Now I can remember a few years ago when everyone was up in arms about letting the U.S. drill in the gulf for oil. The big argument was, China can drill there, in fact anyone can drill there except the U.S. People like myself were thinking, "what the hell is up with that." One thing was for sure as far as I was concerned. Everyone was concerned about the environment, including myself. But in all honesty, if your concerned about the environment who would you rather have drilling in the gulf. The U.S. or the chinese that don't give a damn about the environment. There are all kinds of pollution standards that have been put in place that levy all kinds of fines if they aren't adhered to. And guess who keeps thumbing there nose at them? Yep, the Chinese. The only ones that are held to any kind of standard is the U.S. Let it be China, or Russia and everyone just looks the other way. Venezuela is another good one.
So now we have this oil platform that exploded and caught fire last night. As we speak it is still burning, it's leaning 70 degrees, and it's gonna go in the ocean. This thing is an environmental nightmare. So lets see who we can thank for this mess.
The rig is owned by Transocean Ltd. out of Houston, they are a Swiss owned company. Now they are contracting the rig out to British Petroleum. The rig was built by Hyundai Heavy Industries. They are one of the largest ship builders in the world operating out of South Korea.
Now I don't have a problem with any of these countries, they are all friends of ours. The Swiss, the Brits, even the S. Koreans. But what I do have a problem with is that know where in the list of people or companies involved is there one American company or interest. I can't help but think that if an oil rig is operating off of our shores. We should somehow be involved, because now that there is a mess out there 50 miles off our shore. I can damn sure tell ya who's going to end up cleaning it up.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Late night test, wife wants me to come to bed later...
It started out good.
My sons baseball game tonight started out real well considering they were playing the best team in the league. At the end of the first inning our team was up 4-2. That quickly changed however and we lost 15-6. 2 boys were very disappointed that they were both crying at different points in the game.
The first one cried after he had pitched that last inning. It was the only inning he pitched, he started out well k'ing the first 2 batters. Then he went south, and the team scored their 5 run limit. I asked him why he was crying not really expecting an answer. To my surprise he gave me one and that it was because he screwed up. I then gave him the "no I in team speech" and reminded him that when he needed his team mates they didn't exactly play perfect ball. They screwed up also but yet they weren't crying.
The 2nd boy is the best player on the team. He was crying after he struck out. He was the first batter in the last inning, I reminded him that everyone strikes out even his favorite player Derek Jeter (Yankee fans, what are ya gonna do?). I then reminded him that instead of crying over the strikeout, he should be smiling about the 2 hits he had earlier in the night, one was a double. He seamed to get the idea.
I got to say, I'm surprised one that these boys were willing to talk about this, and 2 that they put so much pressure on themselves. I can remember getting upset playing ball when I was a kid. For me it was competition, I didn't cry because I struck out, or even if I screwed up. Now if Dad got on me that could bring a few tears out of embarassment. But the main reason I got upset to the point of crying was simple. I just plain hated to lose, I was competitive. And when we lost I got mad plain and simple.
Now these 2 boys are talented, they can play ball for 9 and 10 years old. I'm pretty sure they know they're the best players on the team. I can only guess that is why they put so much pressure on themselves.
The first one cried after he had pitched that last inning. It was the only inning he pitched, he started out well k'ing the first 2 batters. Then he went south, and the team scored their 5 run limit. I asked him why he was crying not really expecting an answer. To my surprise he gave me one and that it was because he screwed up. I then gave him the "no I in team speech" and reminded him that when he needed his team mates they didn't exactly play perfect ball. They screwed up also but yet they weren't crying.
The 2nd boy is the best player on the team. He was crying after he struck out. He was the first batter in the last inning, I reminded him that everyone strikes out even his favorite player Derek Jeter (Yankee fans, what are ya gonna do?). I then reminded him that instead of crying over the strikeout, he should be smiling about the 2 hits he had earlier in the night, one was a double. He seamed to get the idea.
I got to say, I'm surprised one that these boys were willing to talk about this, and 2 that they put so much pressure on themselves. I can remember getting upset playing ball when I was a kid. For me it was competition, I didn't cry because I struck out, or even if I screwed up. Now if Dad got on me that could bring a few tears out of embarassment. But the main reason I got upset to the point of crying was simple. I just plain hated to lose, I was competitive. And when we lost I got mad plain and simple.
Now these 2 boys are talented, they can play ball for 9 and 10 years old. I'm pretty sure they know they're the best players on the team. I can only guess that is why they put so much pressure on themselves.
The first post.
Please allow me to introduce myself sort of. For the purposes of this blog you all will know me as Joe. And who is Joe you ask. Well to make it short Joe is an average guy that is currently out of work, and going back to school. Someone that feels there aren't enough people out there in my position just speaking their minds and letting the world know how the average American might think. I feel that guys like me don't speak up often enough about the things that should concern us most. What things might they be? That's easy, anything that is going to effect our happiness, our liberty, and our freedom, and that of our children for years to come.
Some of the things I say on here may not sit well with some and that's o.k. If you disagree and want to say so, good feel free. But by all means do it civilly, my family or kids may be reading. And I would like the behavior they witness to be a positive lesson. If anyone here wants to make it a negative lesson well that's fine with me. Just don't get upset when your used as an example of how to act like an asshole.
I will let you all know now that I am a Conservative. Not a Republican, nor a Dem. A CONSERVATIVE, so let it be known now. My thoughts and feelings WILL reflect this, if some of you reading don't agree or have a problem feel free to say so. I just ask that you do it civilly. I think we all can see a pattern forming here, and can get the gist of where I'm coming from here.
My blog is about me, and what I think is important. It is about my thoughts on the events of the day either in the news or in my life in general. There will be more to come on the topic of the blog in general as I think things over, but for now I have to get the kids dinner as the wife is currently at work. Then it's Jr.'s baseball game.
Thats pretty much it.
Hope anyone reading enjoys.
Joe T
Some of the things I say on here may not sit well with some and that's o.k. If you disagree and want to say so, good feel free. But by all means do it civilly, my family or kids may be reading. And I would like the behavior they witness to be a positive lesson. If anyone here wants to make it a negative lesson well that's fine with me. Just don't get upset when your used as an example of how to act like an asshole.
I will let you all know now that I am a Conservative. Not a Republican, nor a Dem. A CONSERVATIVE, so let it be known now. My thoughts and feelings WILL reflect this, if some of you reading don't agree or have a problem feel free to say so. I just ask that you do it civilly. I think we all can see a pattern forming here, and can get the gist of where I'm coming from here.
My blog is about me, and what I think is important. It is about my thoughts on the events of the day either in the news or in my life in general. There will be more to come on the topic of the blog in general as I think things over, but for now I have to get the kids dinner as the wife is currently at work. Then it's Jr.'s baseball game.
Thats pretty much it.
Hope anyone reading enjoys.
Joe T
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