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An average everyday American that has decided to share some thoughts with whoever wants to listen.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My condolences to Rep. Giffords family...

The tragedy that occured Saturday in Arizona is an unspeakable, cowardly act commited by a deranged individual that undoubtedly be denied his right to live.

And now some words to the left. Based on what I have witnessed on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the Arizona sherriff. I would suggest they tread lightly when trying to pin any responsability for the shooting on the Tea Party, or any other conservative organization.

A close look at history will reveal that every political assassination in U.S. history was the result of a disillusioned leftist...

John Wilkes Booth- Democrat southern sympathizer, assassinated Lincoln
Lee Harvey Oswald- Leftist Communist, assassinated Kennedy
Dan White- Democrat and supervisor of Harvey Milk who he assassinated for being openly gay and elected into public office in San Francisco.
Sirhan Sirhan- Mid East extremist, supported the bath party and according to Lt. Pena's words: "Sirhan was a self-appointed assassin. He decided that Bobby Kennedy was no good because he was helping the Jews. And he was going to kill him."

These are just a few, our history is full of them and what do ya know, their all leftists.

Tread lightly main stream media.

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