About Joe

- Joe Taa
- An average everyday American that has decided to share some thoughts with whoever wants to listen.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Why Liberals Hate The Right SOOOO Much... A Look Inside The Liberal Psyche
Why liberals hate the right so much… A look inside the liberal psyche
In the wake of the recent terror attacks in CA we have seen some of the worst venom ever spewed from the liberal left. From newspapers attacking prayer, and calling sitting senators, and private citizens who have not broken any laws terrorists. To our own President immediately calling for more gun control, and politicizing the attack before it was even over. So what is going on inside the minds of these people that claim to want tolerance for everyone, but then quickly show intolerance for anyone as soon as someone opposes their view in the slightest way? While no one is perfect, you just don’t see this kind of shouting down, and personal attack from the right, why? Why don’t the attacked up the ante? Why don’t those on the right get uglier? No, instead they just continue their civil debate, and press on in the arena of ideas. I think to get the answer we just have to look at ourselves, and human nature.
Hitler and the Nazis killed 6 million Jews in the worst case of genocide in the 20th century. Stalin is considered responsible for 34-49 million unnatural deaths due to communism under his reign. Now I’m not trying to say that our nations liberals are comparable to Hitler, or the Nazis. I’d hate to be accused of stealing from their play book. It wasn’t long ago they were comparing Bush 43 to the German tyrant. However, I will say that they do have a particular mindset in common with some of the worlds worst butchers. That’s right I said it… they share a mindset, in fact we all share a mindset conservatives and liberals alike with some of the most horrible people to ever walk the earth, but we’ll get back to that in a minute.
Right now over 2k babies are killed through legal abortion in the U.S. daily. Planned parenthood administrators are bartering the sale of harvested baby parts enriching themselves off the sales of these destroyed babies. It wasn’t long ago we had a President performing sexual acts with an intern in the oval office. The revered Senator Ted Kennedy upstanding person that he is, was personally responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, and never spent a minute of time answering for it. Senator Robert Byrd was a sworn member of the KKK rising through the ranks, and becoming the kleagle for his local chapter. Now I know none of this is on the level of killing millions of your own countryman, but it is despicable behavior none the less, and like I said, “it shares a mindset with some of the worst butchers to ever walk the earth”. It is what ultimately drives them to be so venomous towards their opponents. You know those people that they are so adamantly against. The people standing up for the helpless unborn, the countless number of women that have been scarred by the womanizing, of past presidents, and senators. Granted the right isn’t all squeaky clean. Every now and then a member of the republican party falls, and is quickly shown the door. Remember Senator Larry Craig? He was arrested for lewd conduct, and was accused of trying to solicit gay sexual favors in a Minneapolis airport bathroom. The incident ended his career. This stands in stark contrast to democrats that rally behind their principles in times of scandal as if the scandal makes them an even bigger star within the party.
So why the stark contrast, why is the left so venomous? Why are they so quick to lash out in spite of their own faults, and willingly ignoring them? All while their opposition remains calm, willing to cleanse itself of wrong doers, and resists the urge to return the venom that is slung at them on a daily basis.
I personally have known people through my life that in all honesty weren’t the nicest people… adulterers, liars, cheaters, violent people that had little respect for others, and their families. In knowing, and talking with them over time I came to one realization. The one thing that we all have in common that I think drives our opinion of others, and determines how we react to their opposition to our own ideology regardless of what ever horrible skeleton is in a persons closet… be it countless affairs, first hand responsibility for someone’s death, whatever it is… those people still have a high opinion of themselves. They still think to themselves, “hey I’m a good person”, we all do. None of us get up in the morning, look at that guy in the mirror, and say, “you know, you’re a horrible person”. Hitler sure didn’t, he thought he was saving his country from the “evil Jews”. He thought he was being a hero, did he know what he was doing was so terrible? Sure, but to him it was what had to be done, and in the end he would be a hero for being the only one with the guts to do it. The allied powers in his eyes were the evil ones, imagine that.
It’s the same on the left today; despite all of their wrong doing, they consider themselves good people. So if they think of themselves as a good person, despite their flaws, and they come across someone who doesn’t share their ideology… that person in their mind has to be evil. They rationalize that disagreeing with their ideology is the ultimate sin, because after all, if you as a conservative disagree with a kind hearted liberals ideas, and that kind hearted liberal just happens to be an adulterer, murder, or baby killer… Well then you my friend have to be the most evil person on the planet. You may be trying to save the unborn, but somewhere in a basement your boiling gays, and lesbians alive, and you must be stopped at all costs.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Can we call it terrorism now Mr. President?
Reuters TV just reported female shooter pledged allegiance to Isis online. They are quoting a gov't official.
Is it terrorism now Mr. President?
Oh Geraldo...
I just watched Geraldo Rivera debate on Fox news the validity of the 2nd amendment. At the end his final statement was, "I'm not a right or left guy, I just want my daughter safe".
I have some advice for you Geraldo... give her a gun.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
This is where PC gets us...
So this is where politically correct gets us...
A neighbor of the house where the 2 shooters lived is quoted as saying, "she has seen suspicious activity there the last few weeks. They have been working in their garage into late hours of the night, and receiving an enormous amount of packages being delivered to their door.
she even considered calling the authorities, but didn't want to be accused of "racial profiling".
Now in this house they found what they are calling an ied factory. That didn't get there over night.
I hold the PC crowd accountable for what happened yesterday. Had this women not been afraid of their repercussions she may have reported them and averted this whole thing. The PC crowd has blood on their hands.
This is what the PC crowd wants, they want you to be afraid so their extreme ilk can run around unafraid of being identified until it's too late.
Thought of the day, why libs are so clueless on extreme islam.
Thought Snack: I'm not the author, but this pretty much -nails- the Liberal arrogance surrounding their apologist attitude towards Islamic Terrorism.
"It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorize, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left, in their endless capacity for blame and hate anyone who tells them that killing their unborn offspring is wrong. or that selling unborn human parts for profit is bad, or to keep their perversions private - have attempted to shift blame inwardly on themselves, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.
It's like a bad Monty Python sketch:
MUSLIM: "We did this because our holy texts exhort us to to do it."
DEMOCRAT: "No you didn't."
MUSLIM:"Wait, what? Yes we did..."
DEMOCRAT: "No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons."
MUSLIM: "WHAT!? Did you even read our official statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, blasphemers, and disbelievers."
DEMOCRAT: "No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so."
MUSLIM: "Huh!? Who are you to tell us we're not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being."
DEMOCRAT: "Nope. We created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that's why you did this. We're sorry."
MUSLIM: "What? Why are you apologizing? We just slaughtered you mercilessly in the streets. We targeted unwitting civilians - disenfranchisement doesn't even enter into it!"
DEMOCRAT: "Listen, it's our fault. We don't blame you for feeling unwelcome and lashing out."
MUSLIM: "Seriously, stop taking credit for this! We worked really hard to pull this off, and we're not going to let you take it away from us."
DEMOCRAT: "No, we nourished your extremism. We accept full blame."
MUSLIM: "OMG, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?"
Dems! Please ask for more gun control
Of course the lousy human beings that are not letting this tragedy go to waste are running to every mic they can find to call for MORE GUN CONTROL!
I have one thing to say to these leaches...
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!... Please do make this a major issue during your campaigns, and during the general election campaign.
I beg you to demand more gun control, and draw a distinct line between you, and your opponent. I want you to let the American people know where you stand on guns, and how you want more useless laws that won't change anything, and wouldn't have changed any of the outcomes from the latest shootings.
I beg you.
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